Do you like puzzles? Do you like first person games? Do you like mysterious plotlines? Do you like intricate backstory that weaves perfectly into the middle of a great, established timeline? Do you need another free online multiplayer game to play? If you answered yes to these five questions, then Myst Online is for you!
Myst Online: Uru Live is an online version of Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and its expansions (To D'ni and The Path of the Shell), with some extra content beyond that. It is the last game in the Myst series, and on the official timeline it takes place before, during, AND after Myst V: End of Ages. You don't need much prior knowledge of any Myst games to play, other than a couple of things.
Now, onto the backstory. The backstory is where it took place before and during Myst V. This backstory happened during the early point in the game's life, where it was hosted on Gametap and you had to pay to play. You can no longer experience it, but it's preserved in its entirety in a wonderfully written document right
here. Just a warning, but there are major Myst V spoilers in the document.
It's free to play and can be gotten
here. Accounts are created
here. A forum account and a game account cannot be used interchangeably.
If you've played before, tell us your KI number so whoever plays can friend you in-game. (KI numbers are like ID numbers you use to add people to your friends list when they aren't in the same place as you)