Author Topic: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)  (Read 13348 times)

Offline NekoJonez

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Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« on: May 06, 2013, 12:00:52 AM »

1.Before the week ends the selected host must select a host for the next FFF. In the event the proposal is refused and a new host cannot be found then guess what? You go again :3
2.The participants may only answer the five questions presented to thee by th host. Participants may not answer questions not asked by the host. Still pretty easy right?
3. I, NekoBot, creator of the event request that all participants have fun. So please refrain from putting others down, using discriminatory language to offend others, and intentional racism is prohibited.

1) Did you ever had a sunburn? If yes, did it hurt and where?
2) Facebook or Twitter? (You have to choose)
3) Did you ever do something for a friend you disliked? (Eg, you dislike watching a play but because a friend acts in it, you went watching it to support him)
4) What's your favorite smiley at Arpegi?
5) Go around in your room, close your eyes, walk around and count to 50. Then grab the nearest random object. What is it?

Offline Mr.PowPow

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2013, 12:21:42 AM »
1. I'm not even joking when I say that my first sunburn was on my buttocks and a small portion of my back. How I only got those places sun burnt is beyond me.
2. Facebook easily, twitter is boring as hell.
3. I remember on the long walks to high school my friend used to constantly talk to me about tv shows that I absolutely detested but he loved. Since he had pretty much nobody else to talk to about them, I indulged him and that went on for years. I still can't stand Supernatural :/
4. We have smileys? O.o
5. I failed to grab anything, but since my eyes were closed I managed to knock over a glass cup. The cup's fine though, thank god.

Offline shredc0re

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2013, 12:18:14 PM »
1) Did you ever had a sunburn? If yes, did it hurt and where?
2) Facebook or Twitter? (You have to choose)
3) Did you ever do something for a friend you disliked? (Eg, you dislike watching a play but because a friend acts in it, you went watching it to support him)
Yes, I did.
4) What's your favorite smiley at Arpegi?
Smileys are bad, hmkayyyyy  >:D
5) Go around in your room, close your eyes, walk around and count to 50. Then grab the nearest random object. What is it?
Box of guitar picks.

Offline Kiss x Miz

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2013, 02:02:45 PM »
1) Did you ever had a sunburn? If yes, did it hurt and where?
I have sunburns on my arms, chest and tummy at the moment. Doesn't hurt too bad. "To show my respect, I'll only give you a light toasting" - Yama-jii
2) Facebook or Twitter? (You have to choose)
3) Did you ever do something you disliked for a friend? (Eg, you dislike watching a play but because a friend acts in it, you went watching it to support him)
I started playing new games I didn't like at first with my nephew, but later got into them (like LoL)
4) What's your favorite smiley at Arpegi?
5) Go around in your room, close your eyes, walk around and count to 50. Then grab the nearest random object. What is it?
Sandstone from the temple of Karnak

Offline TyranBrûlée

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2013, 04:19:39 PM »
1) Did you ever had a sunburn? If yes, did it hurt and where? I get sunburns all the time! Usually my face or shoulders. But rarely do they hurt, my skin just goes "lol bye"
2) Facebook or Twitter? (You have to choose) Twitter. I can talk to my darling over it when I lack internets(which is pretty often!)
3) Did you ever do something for a friend you disliked? There's nothing I don't like about doing something for a friend.
4) What's your favorite smiley at Arpegi?  :))
5) Go around in your room, close your eayes, walk around and count to 50. Then grab the nearest random object. What is it? Kon plushie from Bleach

Offline dark 5FVD

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2013, 04:55:50 PM »
1) Did you ever had a sunburn? If yes, did it hurt and where?
Nop never had one.

2) Facebook or Twitter? (You have to choose)

3) Did you ever do something for a friend you disliked? (Eg, you dislike watching a play but because a friend acts in it, you went watching it to support him)
yeah. this. i don't really like play's

4) What's your favorite smiley at Arpegi?

5) Go around in your room, close your eyes, walk around and count to 50. Then grab the nearest random object. What is it?
my headphones

Offline senpai_FisT

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2013, 09:49:12 PM »
1. I think it's my complexion. I don't get sunburns easily.
2. Facebook. Easy to use.
3. Doing his homework. I barely do mine.
4. Guy with cheesecracker on his head.  O:-)
5. Mah dick! (jk, a hot wheels car.)

Offline Arikado

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2013, 12:27:23 AM »
1) Yes, my face.
2) Twitter.
3) I don't think I've ever had to.
4) I never really use smileys.
5) A shoe.

Offline Reisyukaku

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2013, 01:08:57 AM »
1) Did you ever had a sunburn? If yes, did it hurt and where?
A long time ago, on my shoulders. And of course it hurt.
2) Facebook or Twitter? (You have to choose)
Facebook. The idea of twitter has always seemed retarded.
3) Did you ever do something for a friend you disliked? (Eg, you dislike watching a play but because a friend acts in it, you went watching it to support him)
All the time. Mostly did things for my gf that I thought were embarrassing as fuck, but she liked. Also playing mario-kart at a friends house.. I hate that game so much.
4) What's your favorite smiley at Arpegi?
I never really use them :I
5) Go around in your room, close your eyes, walk around and count to 50. Then grab the nearest random object. What is it?
A small printer solenoid.

Offline NekoBot

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Re: Friday Fun Five: Better late then never (32)
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2013, 12:48:09 PM »

1) Did you ever had a sunburn? If yes, did it hurt and where? I've had it so bad I had sun poisoning and ever scince t is hard for me to sunburn anymore
2) Facebook or Twitter? (You have to choose)facebook, although both are stupid compared to where it started
3) Did you ever do something for a friend you disliked? (Eg, you dislike watching a play but because a friend acts in it, you went watching it to support him)yup
4) What's your favorite smiley at Arpegi?Not here that much to have one. but... this ones always fun √(-_-√)
5) Go around in your room, close your eyes, walk around and count to 50. Then grab the nearest random object. What is it?
jack Russel terrier


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