Author Topic: Back in My Day  (Read 12006 times)

Offline NekoBot

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Back in My Day
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:34:28 AM »
Back in My Day is a game in whitch you take a common item from today and pretend you are 50 years older and you are reminessing about that item. You must state whatever you decide iss the new product that replaced your item.

A poster may select a theme for the next poster or may select the item.

them is Safety hats

back in my day wewore safety hats to protect our heads. we didnt have these comfounded Internal Corective Service. We werent afraid to get down and dirty to get the work done!

next poster gets video games

Offline Toffee

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Re: Back in My Day
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 06:37:45 AM »
Now sonny, what you see here is what we used to call a "video game"

You see, back then, we didn't have those fancy shmancy virtual reality programs they beam into your heads! We used our hands! You kids have no idea of the satisfaction you get from pressing the button that kills the final boss you've been battling for over an hour, yessiree!

Next person gets bananas

Offline NekoBot

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Re: Back in My Day
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 07:03:00 AM »
Back in my day we had what were called bananas.

They were this yellow skined fruit. And you used to peel them. Yes! Peeeel them. And once eaten stringy things could get caught in your mouth. We didnt hve all purpose food tablets that dissolve into your mouth or skin. We had a thing called........ indegestion too.

Next posters gets the theme fantasy football


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