Latest Updates: Arpegi v5.0.1 - Updated: 02/06/2024 (More patching is more patching.)
What's your reason for staying on Arpegi this long?How do you feel about being this week's member in the spotlight?Uh..Views on me?
Views on me? Views on Arpegi?Favorite console? Favorite sport?
Everyone has some interesting story behind them. What's yours?Views on me?
Hey man your posts are always random an unexpected lol p; Why is that?I guess that's why they call you the Silent Poster
Views on people wanting to know your opinion on something or someone? How do you spend your uneventful days?Favorite color?Would you call yourself a skilled gamer, if so, on which platforms?
Do you like personal questions?
Do you plan on getting married someday?
Well you'll belong in the top 20 of most active members if you post anything at all. We appreciate your presence. Big boobs or small boobs?
Why do you consider yourself unintersesting?Why aren't you willing to offer your opinions on people?Why don't you open up on a forum you've been in for 2 years?
You're probably more active than me, since I'm a Mythical member. Would you ever go to a Justin Bieber concert?
Favorite tv-show? I don't really watch tv anymore.
What's your favorite food? Pizza.Which game did you absolutely hate? Time Lord.
What are your thoughts on the new battle? It's pretty good.